General information

LeadBox account registration

You need an account of the LeadBox service to make the necessary integrations and set up the transfer of leads to your CRM system.

Written by LeadBox
Updated 11 months ago

What is LeadBox

How does the LeadBox service work and how it will help you

Written by LeadBox
Updated 10 months ago

What integrations LeadBox has

Which services does LeadBox integrate with?

Written by LeadBox
Updated 10 months ago

LeadBox functionality

What functionality does LeadBox have?

Written by LeadBox
Updated 11 months ago

What is the Register

What is the Register and how to work with it

Written by LeadBox
Updated 10 months ago

Customizing LeadBox features

Creating a collection of responsible users

To configure the distribution of leads among managers, the "Collections" functionality is used.

Written by LeadBox
Updated 11 months ago

Set up rules of integrations

LeadBox gives you the opportunity not only to solve the issue with duplicate contacts, but also to configure the rules for creating new deals according to your business process

Written by LeadBox
Updated 10 months ago

Field mapping settings

At the level of the integrated sources of receiving leads, you can configure which data from the leads to which fields of the CRM system you want to transfer

Written by LeadBox
Updated 3 months ago

Filter settings

What is functional filtering for and how to set it up?

Written by LeadBox
Updated 5 months ago

Setting up the distribution of leads to responsible users

How to configure the distribution of leads among managers in the CRM system

Written by LeadBox
Updated 11 months ago