Google Analytics 4 connection

Written by LeadBox
Updated 8 months ago

Connecting with Google Analytics 4 allows you to transfer to Google Analytics 4 the event of creating / winning / losing a deal and the value of this event, which is equal to the budget of the deal.

To connect Google Analytics, you need to do 3 steps:

STEP 1: Make integration with Google Analytics in your LeadBox account:

  • Go to the section “Integration ”
  • Click "Add an integration"
  • From the list of integrations that appears, select "Analytics" → Google Analytics 
  • Enter the name of integration and press "Add an integration"

 On the page that opens, you need to switch the connection to GA4 and enter the data that identifies your analyst:

  • Measurement ID - this data should be taken from GA4. The way is: 
    Administrator → Resource
    → Data streams  → choose the right Stream → copy DATA STREAM ID (it looks like: G-XXXXXXXXXX)
  • Secret API Key -   this data should be taken from GA4. The way is: 
    Administrator → Resource
    → Data streams → choose the right Stream → go to API secret key for Measurement Protocol → press "Add new" → give the name of the Secret Key (something like "LeadBox". To know for what this Key is using for in future → Copy Secret Key Value

STEP 2: Connect the created Google Analytics integration to the sources from which the data will be transmitted.

In this case, depending on the connected CRM system, this step may be different.

Read more about how to connect GA4 to KeepinCRM here.
Read more about how to connect GA4 to Pipedrive here.

After connecting GA4 to CRM, send test data to verify that the integration works. On the Register page you should see the status of the event "Success”. It means that the data was sent to GA4 successfully.

To see the sent events with their parameters on the GA4 side, you need to check their presence in the tab “Reports” → “Real-time overview”.

At the bottom of this page, you should have the report with the name: “Number of events distributed by event name".  Clicking on event name you will see parameters transmitted with these events.

The delay in the displayed data in the "Real-time overview" report in GA4 is possible up to 20 minutes.

STEP 3: Prepare events on the Google Analytics side 4.

You can prepare the events transmitted by LeadBox and creating them in Google Analytics. We recommend choosing the following names for events:
- new_deal
- lost_deal
- win_deal
- stage_change

To create a report in GA4, you need to create parameters that you will add to your custom report. You can adjust these parameters after sending few events from the CRM system to GA4. For this:
→ Go to the Administrator page in GA4
→ select View Data
→ Special Definitions
→ Special Parameters
→ create a custom parameter

Next, fill out the form that opens:
- Parameter name - it should be convenient and understandable for you in the report table;
- Scope - Event;
- Description - optional to understand in future what this parameter is about;
- Event parameter - choose from the available ones (if you have already transferred several events from CRM, the new parameters transferred together with them will be in this drop-down view).

It is better to create the "Budget" event parameter for the report in the "Special indicators" section - it is on the same page as the Special parameters.

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