LeadBox account registration

You need an account of the LeadBox service to make the necessary integrations and set up the transfer of leads to your CRM system.
Written by LeadBox
Updated 1 month ago

To register your own account in the LeadBox service, follow the link to the site my.leadbox.com.ua

  1. Enter your phone number in international format. In the future, it will be used for payment reminders and to contact you for technical support as necessary.
  2. Enter your email. She will receive a confirmation code for authorization on the service. It will also be possible to renew the password through it if necessary.
  3. Enter your password. For reliability, the password must consist of at least 8 characters and contain upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  4. After reading the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, fill the check box.
  5. If you have a promotional code from our partners, click on the name Promo code and enter it in the field that appears.
  6. After that, you can click on "Create account" button and go to your email address you specified during registration. There will be a letter with an authorization code, which must be entered in the field opened for this purpose.
    If the email hasn’t arrived, check your SPAM folder. The email delivery time may take up to 2 minutes.
  7. Re-enter the password in the authorization form and you are logged into your account. 
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