Sendpulse connection

Sendpulse allows you to collect all channels of online communication with customers in a single workspace.
Written by LeadBox
Updated 6 months ago

The data collected in the Audience card in Sendpulse service can be transferred by LeadBox to the CRM system with the control of duplication of contacts and deals.

To connect Sendpulse to LeadBox and to your CRM, you need to take 3 such steps.

STEP 1: Creating Sendpulse integration in LeadBox

  1. Go to the integration section
  2. Click "Add integration"
  3. From the list of integrations that appears, select “Online chats” and press on Sendpulse Chat
  4. Write the name of this integration and save it.

Creating a Sendpulse integration on the LeadBox side

STEP 2: Settings for sending data from Sendpulse to LeadBox

After entering the name of the integration in LeadBox, you will see a configuration page. The first item after the name is the webhook address, which you need to copy by clicking on it.

From Sendpulse, data can be sent to a Webhook:

- automatically in the bot's communication chain with the client;
- manually initiated by managers;
- automatically when a certain trigger is reached

1) The automatic option is configured in the communication chain of your chatbot with the potential customer. To do this, you should use the Action block in the chain, in which you need to select "Send webhook". In the settings of this block, you need to insert the webhook copied from LeadBox.
Sending data to a webhook in the Sendpulse chain

And the next action in this chain you can add from the Action block also.  Use the action "Add Tag" CRM to the contact in SendPulse. So you can quickly assess which contacts have been transferred to CRM and which has not.
Automation of tagging a contact

2) The manual option is activated by the manager during the communication with the client from the chat window. Manager has to start a chain in which there is the same action - "Send webhook":
Manually send data to a webhook in the Sendpulse chain

Such a chain for manual sending should be created in the bot settings in advance.

3) The automatic sending of data when a certain trigger is reached:
The automatic sending of data when a certain trigger is reachedThis option is better to use for updating existing agreements, since none of the triggers gives an opportunity to assess the availability of a phone / email address of the current client. And without this data, the customer is not useful in CRM.

Data transmitted from Sendpulse:

- Name (nickname) of the person in social network or messenger;
- All filled custom fields that were added in the Audience;
- The name of the chatbot itself and the messenger / social network through which the contact was collected;
- Link to chat with this client

For different chatbots and different sending options, you should use different webhooks created on the LeadBox side. The number of such webhooks is limited only by your tariff plan. If the webhook is the same, then you will not be able to get different links to different customer chats in different messengers.
Livechat by Sendpulse (an online chat installed on the website) automatically gathers tagged (utm_tags) and untagged traffic into the audience fields. Therefore, the traffic source can also be transmitted through LeadBox to the CRM system.

 After putting the necessary web hook in the right place, you have to send the test lead. And you will find a set of data sent from Sendpulse in the "Registry" tab in LeadBox.
Look through this data in JSON:

STEP 3: Settings for sending data to the CRM system on the LeadBox side

Go to the created Sendpulse integration in LeadBox and go through the configuration blocks.

  • 1) Connection to - choose the CRM to which the data from SendPulse should be sent. The CRM has to be previously connected to LeadBox.
Read about CRM connection here
  • 2) List of responsible managers. Settings for distribution of orders from this source among different managers. To configure, select a pre-created collection of managers.
Read more about setting up lead distribution here
  • 3) Comparison of fields
    In the field mapping block, the column on the left "Parameter key" is responsible for selecting the fields that will be filled in CRM. And the column on the right "Parameter Value" is responsible for the selection of data received from Sendpulse
The name of the fields in Sendpulse Audiences must be written in Latin letters. If you already have the required fields signed in Cyrillic, you can rename them:

The data you transfer from the fields created in the Audience  is on the third level of the data array. Therefore, when comparing them, you should have the following data on the right (in the "Parameter Value" column): 
{{}} - for the name
{{}} - for the phone number
{{}} - for the email address 

If for the name we use a nickname from the client's messenger, then the data on the right will look like this: {{contact.username}}
All values ​​in the right column of the field mapping written in {{}} must be in lowercase Latin letters and preferably without additional characters

To add a link of the chat to the contact, you need to create the separated fields for each chat or messenger in the CRM in the card of the contact.

In Sendpulse, the same client who communicates with you via Telegram, Instagram and Viber will have 3 different chats (and 3 different contacts within Sendpulse), one for each messenger. Therefore, in each of the messengers, you should have a chain/script that takes the client's contact: phone or email - to identify and combine the same client into a single contact in the CRM system by LeadBox.

When fields are added to a contact, you match field values ​​in CRM according to matching rules (read more here). Moreover, the value in the right column, which is responsible for the data from Sendpulse, will always be the same:{{}}/contacts/all/{{}}

You can also add the name of the Agreement and the stage of the funnel in which to create a new agreement in the matched fields.

An example of comparison: 
  • 4) Filter setting is necessary if you do not need all the leads from this connection.
You can see more information about filter settings here
  • 5) Integration rules.
    In the standard setting, LeadBox verifies the existence of a contact in the CRM by phone number and email address. It also verifies the existence of an active deal of the contact. If there is such an active deal in CRM, LeadBox puts the task on the responsible user in the existent deal.
    If there is a contact, but there is no active deal - LeadBox creates a deal and connects it to the contact and to the responsible user from the contact.
    If there is neither a contact nor a deal - LeadBox creates both for the responsible user selected in the list of responsible users.

    If this format is suitable, then this section should not be changed, but if a different algorithm is needed, you can check the appropriate points.

    - Disable creating deals - LeadBox will not create a deal even if there is no contact or deal in CRM. Only update data in existing deals / contact will be made.
    - Prohibit creating a task for duplicate deals  - if this item is active, LeadBox will not create a task for the person responsible for the repeat agreement.
    - Update all fields / Update only empty fields - LeadBox will overwrite the fields transferred from the lead form in the contact and the existing active agreement / or update only those fields that were empty (for example, Source or email).
Read more about setting up repeat deals in CRM here.
The option to update fields is most often used is this:
  • 6) Unification of the phone
    In the standardization of the number, the format of the Ukrainian number is a priori selected, but it is possible to insert another code and change the verification of the number of characters in the phone for leads from another country.
    Standardization is configured for only one format. So if you have different countries, it is better to make different lead forms for them and set the necessary number settings in each one separately.
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